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Dr. Scott Poland

Psychology and Mediation

Dr. Scott Poland
Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Mediator
Psychotherapy, Counseling, Marriage Counseling,
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mediation, Divorce Mediation
Map it P.O. Box 272432
Fort Collins, CO 80527

Fort Collins Divorce Mediation

The Links The Benefits of Divorce Mediation vs. Litigation and the linkThe Mediation Process might be helpful to you.

I will describe some of the typical aspects of divorce mediation that might help you understand what to expect and how the process can help you complete the divorce efficiently. Also, I'll list some of the benefits you and your family may experience by choosing mediation for your divorce rather than litigation.

The Divorce Mediation Process:

The Divorce Mediator is trained in helping couples move forward in making mutually acceptable decisions in the many areas that arise during a divorce. The Divorce Mediator facilitates the mediation process but remains impartial, neutral, and thus doesn't take sides.

The areas covered in a typical Divorce Mediation include: division of assets, property, and debts. Also a detailed parenting plan and parenting schedule will be written that can work for both parties. Child support and/or Maintenance (also called alimony or spousal support) can be determined. A communication plan also can be created.

Other common issues that might be worked on and resolved are: educational issues, separating retirement plans and funds, business interests, tax consequences, communication between parents or business partners, decision making and responsibilities, and enforcement of the agreements.

A summary of benefits of the Divorce Mediation process vs. litigation is that you maintain control of the process, it is cost-effective, and saves time. Divorce Mediation can help decrease the stress and frustration that can occur from not being able to control the court process; and it can often prevent legal and court time delays experienced in litigation.

I frankly have never seen couples as stressed out as when going through a long divorce that takes years of litigation. Long court cases prevent each party from moving on with their own lives in positive ways. Divorce Mediation can speed up a painful process, allowing parties a chance to rejuvenate and positively move onto the next chapter of their lives.

Mediation allows both parties to maintain their dignity rather than one party having to be right and the other party wrong. It is a confidential process, so each party's personal life is not dragged through the court process.

Divorce Mediation can help parties to communicate effectively and clarify misunderstandings. Divorce Mediation can help preserve and actually strengthen the relationship among divorcing parents, which can prove to be beneficial in the future with co-parenting.

When to Use a Divorce Mediator:

Many choose to use a Divorce Mediator from the beginning of the couple's decision to separate. Before temporary orders are completed, the Divorce Mediator can work with the couple to determine who will move out and where, who will be responsible for what bills, and how to co-parent the children in two locations.

Some couples do not pursue divorce mediation until after one or both parties have hired an attorney. A few couples who have chosen to work with mediators found their attorneys too contentious, wanting to battle in court. Some couples change their minds through the painful process of litigation and decide to hire a mediator to take back control of the divorce process, and then use their attorneys as advisors or consultants who can assist in the mediation process.

Some other couples, up against timelines, hire mediators to help them make final divorce decisions in order to meet court deadlines.

In Divorce Mediation there might be choices that you want to make but should not and there might be choices which you do not want to face but should. The mediator can help clarify these issues and assist parties in making positive and productive agreements.