Currently I am not accepting new clients, whereas I am spending time researching and writing psychology and self-help books.
Thank you for your interest.
$60 - $160
Dr. Scott Poland

Psychology and Mediation

Dr. Scott Poland
Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Mediator
Psychotherapy, Counseling, Marriage Counseling,
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mediation, Divorce Mediation
Map it P.O. Box 272432
Fort Collins, CO 80527

Costs for Counseling and Psychological Evaluations

"Preferred Provider" means you get a significant discount:

As a preferred provider for almost all insurances, you will get a significant discount particularly if you have a high deductible plan. Please feel free to call and inquire about your discount based upon your insurance coverage.

Session fees are billed the following:

(Counseling/ Psychotherapy/ Marital Counseling):
Intake session (which is the first session if you have insurance): $180
Individual, Couple's Counseling, or Family: (45 minutes): $120
Individual, Couple's Counseling, or Family: (60 minutes): $160


Evaluations are almost never covered by insurance. They are typically billed $120-$160 an hour, which includes face-to-face time for the evaluation, time contacting other parties and to gather collateral information, reviewing records (medical, legal, employment etc.), and report writing time. Based upon the type of evaluation needed, I will estimate the time and the fee for the evaluation. The entire evaluation fee must be collected at the time of scheduling the evaluation.

Corporate and Professional Trainings:

Please see the link "Trainings". These fees vary based upon the amount of time preparing, travel time, presentation time, and if there are other services that will be provided such as coaching, mediation, or consulting. After talking about your needs, a quote will be provided for you to review before any agreement is made to hire me for these services.

Please feel free to inquire about the various training topics and rates for your company.